Lottie Moon offering

for International Missions

Be a part of the Great Pursuit
Will you join your heart with others to pray for and support missionaries around the world who are faithfully sharing the gospel? 

How will you continue to respond through your prayers and financial support?

click here to give

why do we give?

​As a church, we believe that we are called to respond to the generosity of The Gospel by giving

extravagantly to the progress of The Gospel in our community and world. Biblical generosity is not about meeting budget needs. It is about a rich and trusting relationship with a living God.
We express our faith and love to Him by honoring Him as the source of everything we have. Scriptural giving is performed with regularity, from the first portion of all we are given, as a proportion of our income, cheerfully, and without pressure or manipulation.

Give to Acts 1:8 missions initiative.

100% of your gift goes to the missions below.

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses
in Jerusalem,in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” - Acts1:8

2024 Goal = $130,000

2023 Received = $128,292

Jerusalem (Kosciusko) – 24%

Associational Missions $13,000 (10%)

Love Mission $10,400 (8%)

Helping Hands $5,200 (4%)

Central Hills $1,300 (1%)

Shepherd’s Touch $1,300 (1%)

Judea (Mississippi) – 21%

Margaret Lackey (MS Missions) $18,200 (14%)

Baptist Children’s Village $6,500 (5%)

Garaywa $1,300 (1%)

BSU – Holmes CC $1,300 (1%)

Samaria (North America) – 20%

Annie Armstrong (NAMB) $24,700 (19%)

Mission Dignity $1,300 (1%)

Ends of the Earth (Overseas/Foreign) – 35%

Lottie Moon (IMB) $42,900 (33%)

World Hunger (Baptist Global Response) $2,600 (2%)