August 6 - Dr. Shawn Parker

Dr. Parker currently serves as the Executive DirectorTreasurer of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board. Prior to leading the MBCB, he spent 17 years in Columbus, Mississippi, as the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church. 

Celebrating 175 years of fBc August 13 - Dr. Anthony George

Dr. George is a native of Kosciusko and succeeded Dr. Charles Stanley as the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Before joining FBC Atlanta in 2012, he served at Aloma Baptist Church in Winter Park, FL, as senior pastor for 15 years.

AUGUST 20 - DR. Hal Kitchings

Dr. Kitchings is the son of the late Rev. Harold Kitchings who served as the senior pastor of FBC Kosciusko from 1965-1976. He currently serves as Senior Pastor of Easthaven Baptist Church, in Brookhaven.

AUGUST 27 - DR. jim shaddix

Dr. Shaddix serves as the Senior Professor of Preaching at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, occupying the W.A. Criswell Chair of Expository Preaching. He has pastored churches in Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Colorado.